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We are available at Central European office hours Monday – Friday, 8 AM - 4 PM UTC.

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with one of our System Specialists 

EFB Approval

The CAA approval of the EFB procedure can be cumbersome and a major concern
but usually, the concerns are bigger than the real obstacles.

We have the know-how, experience and consultants to support the challenges and procedure changes,
to bring you easier through the work. System assessments, examples of written procedures, potential pitalls, and
contact to national operators are among the things we can offer to making the work much easier.


Pre-assessment and initial approach with CAA for preparing and clarifying the requirements and expectations

CAA Dialogue

Participation and dialogue support with the national CAA inspector. We can support the entire dialogue from first contact to approval,  or just now and then when needed.


System documentation with Risk Assessment,
HMI Assessment and examples of EFB procedures

Write & Review

Review of your EFB procedure documentation and/or procedure consultancy composing the EFB procedures and managing the approval process.

Troublesome EFB Approval?
           CONTACT US! 

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    TAILLOG EFB Systems | Algade 1 | DK-4000 Roskilde | Denmark